Kick names, take ass.
10-18-2011 1:02 pm
fuzmeister: Brand Migration
I've considered myself a gamer for a very long time. For most of that time, I'd say that I was a diehard Nintendo supporter. I was pretty hardcore about the much hated Gamecube era and even an early adopter of the Wii.

However, they've let me down so much over the past few years that I have to question their corporate strategy and long-term initiatives. Most of the software on their current platform has become gimmicky and very non-essential. Even some of the first-party franchises I love so much have been absent from this generation (Starfox... Pikmin??).

I bring this up because my wife got my a PSP the other day. Yes, I'm aware the hardware is six or seven years old, but they are quite cheap right now with the Vita coming out and all. The software is dirt cheap as well.

Either way, I think I'm becoming a diehard Sony supporter these days and leaving Nintendo behind.

You'll always be my first love, Mario.

Mood: Vaguely Coherent
Music: Soundgarden - Spoonman

Tags (beta): video games

Comments (1)

5-25-2011 1:07 pm
fuzmeister: Yo Brandon
I've got working bluetooth again.

How about some Portal 2 co-op in the near future?

Mood: Tired
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Backwoods

Tags (beta): video games, public messages

Comments (1)

6-15-2010 8:01 pm
fuzmeister: E3 - Sony
I figured that it's only fair to post my thoughts on Sony's press event as well...

  • Killzone 3: now over-hyped in 3D!! 0
  • 3D gaming - my games are already 3D enough already. Please focus on making them play better now. -1
  • Playstation Move tracks 1-to-1 movement out-of-the-box without requiring any additional peripherals. +1
  • Playstation Move is a motion controller. -1
  • Kevin Butler: the character who saved Sony's marketing +1
  • PSP... I'm totally indifferent to it to be honest... aren't most people at this point? 0

Well, firstly, this list is much shorter. I can only determine that's because Sony's event was so much more focused on the Playstation Move device. What's the deal with the focus on motion gaming?! Argh!

That's all for now...

Mood: Unproductive

Tags (beta): video games, sony, playstation 3

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6-15-2010 5:40 pm
fuzmeister: E3 - Nintendo
Watched the Nintendo press event over my lunch today online. It seems like (as usual) they have some interesting first party stuff in development. Here's a few random thoughts regarding what they showed:

  • New Zelda (Skyward Sword) seems to put even more emphasis on motion controls. Piss off. -1
  • Kirby Epic Yarn reminds me a lot of Little Big Planet. 0
  • Nintendo 3DS comes with a 3D depth adjuster so you can turn it off if you want. +1
  • Kid Icarus Uprising will finally bring the series back to life with a new game. +1
  • New Donkey Kong Country game developed by Retro Studios (please don't try to include some gimmicky motion controls and ruin this). +1
  • New Mario sports game. -1
  • New Mario sports game kills a lot of potential games by including several sports! +1
  • LOTS of third party support for Nintendo 3DS. +1
  • Didn't see much third party support for Wii. -1
  • New game milking off the eager teets of fan boys by using the Goldeneye name (but not really looking like it has much to do with the original or looking like they spent much time on the graphics). -1

So, overall, more positives than negatives...

Mood: Eh

Tags (beta): video games, nintendo

Comments (2)

3-25-2010 3:08 pm
fuzmeister: Get Over Here!!

Mood: Amused
Music: Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song

Tags (beta): youtube, video games

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